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Ranking Top Scorers Premier League

Egyptian striker Mohamed Salah has failed to surpass Englishman Harry Kane, who is in first place in the English Premier League's top scorer of the 2017/2019 season so far 

Liverpool lost to Manchester United in the 30th round of the English Premier League last Saturday at the Old Trafford Stadium where Mohammed Salah failed to appear and score his goal in 24 goals
This season of the Premier League is a fierce and strong competition for the top scorer of the English Premier League season of 2017/2018
The Premier League has a number of outstanding footballers around the world this season, especially in the top six clubs
Tottenham Hotspur striker Harry Keane has scored 24 goals this season for the club's 100th Premier League goal but failed to score at Tottenham Hotspur at Wembley in London
Here are the top scorers of the English Premier League this season so far after round 29

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Liverpool striker Masri Mohammed Salah surprised everyone after returning to the English Premier League again from the Reds after his departure from Chelsea in 2015, scoring 24 goals this season, taking first place with Tottenham Hotspur striker Harry Kane, who scored 24 goals this season

Argentina's Sergio Aguero, who finished third in the English Premier League standings, missed his last match against Stoke City in the 30th round of the injury. He has also missed the scoring so far in the last game he played, bringing Manchester City to Arsenal and finishing three In favor of the heavenly

Argentine striker Sergio Aguero has 21 goals, making them third in the English Premier League after the 29th round

England striker Rahim Sterling returned from injury to lead Manchester City's attack against Stoke in the last game, but failed to score goals and only made the first goal of his Spanish colleague David Silva

Manchester City's Rahim Sterling is fourth in the standings. He is currently at the end of Round 29 with 15 goals, eight of which he scored in the last quarter of the match

Leicester striker Jaime Fardi moved up to fifth place with 14 goals after scoring a goal for his club in a quarter-final win over West Bromwich Albion

Jamie Farde is in fifth place with Manchester United striker Romilo Lukaco with the same number of goals

Liverpool striker Roberto Fermino comes in seventh with 13 goals after failing to score in the final against Manchester United

North Korea's Hyung Min Somm rose to eighth place with 12 goals, after scoring two goals in the last game, which brought Tottenham to Bournemouth in the 30th round of the Premier League

Chelsea's Eddin Hazard is in the ninth place with 11 goals each

Ranking Top Scorers Premier League Ranking Top Scorers Premier League Reviewed by Unknown on 10:36 AM Rating: 5

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