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what happens to you When eating bananas before Sleep

Did you know that if you have difficulty sleeping and do not want to take sleeping pills you can eat a banana and sit without movement that will make you sleep immediately even if you are at the top of your activity and cause your body will differentiate serotonin, which has the same effect of anesthesia and helps bananas to bring sleep to you

Research has shown that eating only two bananas can provide enough energy to do a 90-minute workout
It is no wonder that bananas are the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes. But banana energy is not the only way that can help us maintain our fitness. It also helps to overcome a large number of diseases and conditions, so it must be added to our daily diet

Depression: According to a recent survey by MIND among people with depression, much felt a great improvement after eating bananas. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, which is known to make you feel comfortable and relaxed, improve your mood, and make you feel happy

PMS: Forget cereal - eat bananas. It contains vitamin B6 and regulates blood sugar levels, which can affect your mood

Anemia: Bananas contain a high percentage of iron that stimulates the production of hemoglobin in the blood and helps in cases of anemia

Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is very high in low potassium potassium, making it ideal for fighting blood pressure. Moreover, the US Food and Drug Administration has only allowed the bananas industry to officially claim the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke

Brain Power: 200 students at Twickenham School (Middlesex) helped them eat bananas during their exams this year for breakfast, break, and lunch to try to stimulate brain power. Research has shown that potassium-packed fruits can help to learn by making pupils more alert

Constipation: Banana contains a high proportion of fiber, so the introduction in the diet helps to restore normal bowel work, and helps to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives
Intestinal acidity: One of the quickest ways to treat headaches is to make a banana drink with honey (milkcheck) because bananas treat acidity and soothe the stomach. Honey enhances blood sugar levels, while milk and rehydrate your system. Heartburn: Banana has a natural effect of acidity in the body, and even if you suffer from acidity intestinal, take a banana to ease the feeling of pain
Morning sickness: Eating bananas between meals helps keep your blood sugar levels high and prevents morning sickness

Mosquito bites: Before using insect bite cream, try rubbing the area affected by the internal banana skin. Many people have found it surprisingly successful in relieving swelling and irritability

Nerves: The distributor has high levels of vitamin B which help calm the nervous system. Excess weight: At work, studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found that work pressure leads to eating soothing foods such as chocolate and chips. By looking at 5,000 patients in hospitals, researchers found that most obese people are more prone to high stress at work. The report concluded that to avoid the rush of craving for eating, we need to control steady levels of sugar in the blood by keeping high-carbohydrate snacks every two hours

Ulcer: Bananas are used as food against intestinal disorders because of its soft soft texture. It is the only pure fruit that can be eaten without symptoms in pathological conditions. It also neutralizes the acidity of the stomach and reduces inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Temperature control: Many other cultures see bananas as a "chilled" fruit that can lower the body's natural and emotional temperature for expectant mothers. In Thailand, for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure the baby is born at a mild temperature. Seasonal Affective Disorder

SAD : Bananas can help sufferers of grief because it has a natural mood enhancer tryptophan
Smoking and tobacco use: Bananas can help people trying to quit smoking. It also helps the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal. Stress: Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps to make the heartbeat balanced, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates the water balance in the body. When we are tired, the metabolic rate increases, reducing potassium levels. You can rebalance snacks rich in potassium than bananas

Strokes: According to research published in the New England Journal of Medicine, eating bananas as part of a regular diet can reduce the risk of stroke death by as much as 40%

what happens to you When eating bananas before Sleep what happens to you When eating bananas before Sleep Reviewed by Unknown on 10:08 AM Rating: 5

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