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Scientists find a gas field in Space

A report by the British newspaper Mirror reported That  the gas contained  in "Titan" the largest satellites of the planet Saturn, Exceed Earth's wealth of natural gas hundreds of times

According to the scientists, who supervised the mission of the Higgins, which collected data on the giant moon, Titan has huge lakes of methane, liquid and ethane rather than its sub-surface deposits
The researchers believe Titan is covered with a pearly carbonate that makes it a giant manufacturer of organic chemicals

But this gigantic gas field will not be easily accessible, if reserves are carried out on the planet, given the hostile nature of the gaseous satellite
Titan is about one billion miles from the sun, slightly larger than Earth's moon, and is in a frozen state because it is exposed to only 1 percent of the sun's rays reaching Earth

Scientists find a gas field in Space Scientists find a gas field in Space Reviewed by Unknown on 9:53 AM Rating: 5

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