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Stephen Hawking died at his home

Stephen Hawking, 76, died at his home in the British city of Cambridge and his family said he died peacefully while asleep

In a statement, the children of the late three, Lucy, Robert and Tim, said we were deeply saddened that our beloved father had died today
He was a great scientist and an extraordinary man who would live his work and his legacy for many years

Hawking was suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a relapsing neurodegenerative disease of the adult's motor neurons, paralyzed and made him speak only by a computer with an artificial voice that became a characteristic

Hawking was born on January 8, 1942 in Oxford, England, first enrolled at the Oxford University of Natural Sciences in 1959, before earning his doctorate in cosmology from Cambridge University

Was infected in 1963 with the neurodegenerative disease, a group of degenerative diseases, characterized by the damage of the neuron cell in the brain and spinal cord and in the pathways responsible for the transmission of nerve signals between them and then predicted that doctors will live only two years

He has theoretical research in cosmology and research into the relationship between black holes and thermodynamics, as well as his research and chronological studies

In 1974, Hawking theoretically proved that the black holes emitted radiation against all the theories at the time, which he called the radiation "Hawking radiation
And published his book "A Brief History of Time" in 1988, which sold more than ten million copies. In 2014, he presented his life story in "The Theory of Everything

Stephen Hawking died at his home Stephen Hawking died at his home Reviewed by Unknown on 5:05 AM Rating: 5

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